Here you'll find out what we're thinking and doing to support the arts, share learning across the health and social care sector and act on the climate crisis.

plastic waste in water with text Single use is no use. #ChooseToReuse


13 Feb 2025
Content Editor

As part of our Creative Catalyst programme helping young people to access creative opportunities in Thanet, we're recruiting our first apprentice.

Open to anyone aged 16-24 based in Thanet who is not in education, work or training, the apprenticeship will be a chance to get involved in all aspects of Co-relate's work from supporting with client projects and Co-relate programmes and campaigns, to contributing to our marketing and social media.

We're recruiting an apprentice to work on our marketing, content and campaigns. Thanet-based, 16-24 and not in work or training? Apply now.
15 Aug 2024
Content Editor

It's A-level results day and young people around the country will be considering their futures.

In partnership with Mediorite, Co-relate has supported The Housing Forum’s Futures Network to produce Build Your Future in Housing, a new national campaign addressing skills shortages in housing by attracting and engaging young talent. 

"Hopefully I'll be able to fulfil my dream role by learning whilst I'm still working." Kyle Milton, labourer, Metropolitan Thames Valley
3 Jul 2024
Jessica Rose

It's Co-production Week, which gives me a chance to talk about our approach to co-creation here at Co-relate and share some great examples that we've come across through our work.

So first, what is co-production? The Social Care Institute For Excellence (SCIE) share the following definition: "A relationship where professionals and citizens share power to plan and deliver support together, recognising that both have vital contributions to make in order to improve quality of life for people and communities."

11 Jun 2024
Content Editor

Plastic Free Thanet, Rise Up Clean Up and Oast in Margate are launching The Margate Cup on Friday 14 June.

Lightweight and made of fully recycled and recyclable plastic, The Margate Cup and our #ChooseToReuse discount scheme are part of our campaign to reduce the amount of single-use plastic on our streets and beaches. 

In the UK, 2.5 billion single-use coffee cups are thrown away each year and most of them contain plastic. Many of these end up in our gutters, waterways, on our beaches and in the sea.

3 Jun 2024
Kat Lewis

Here at Co-relate, as a team we’re always looking to upskill and expand our practice so we can deliver more for clients. I recently attended the Measuring Social Impact course at the School for Social Entrepreneurs. 

The course is designed to teach how and why to measure social impact. At Co-relate we regularly produce impact reports with the data already gathered for us and this course allows us to step up that work in order to also offer consultation on how organisations might collect better insights.